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“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

This verse from Proverbs 3:5-6 summarizes how important it is for people to surrender control and walk in God’s plan – an idea that appears contradictory to human nature. Regardless of its negative connotations, control is a fundamental human need. It comes with their desire for predictability, order and stability, vital conditions that make people feel safe.

People can be controlling. Whether it’s consequential matters or mundane routines, some want to be organized and careful down to the most minute details. They want to see things until the end, and they forget how, often, the best way to follow through is to trust things will turn out well if they intend to. If they don’t, there’s nothing left to do, but they perceive this as a redirection to a more purposeful path.

While control can kick in naturally, it’s best to remember that this isn’t what God wants from them. To walk in God’s plan is to surrender any control.

But how is this possible?

What Does It Mean to Walk in God’s Will?

If following God’s will were as easy as ABC, people wouldn’t have any trouble trudging down the path of life. However, life poses a contradiction. It’s challenging and confusing as it can be, and understanding one’s purpose is among the toughest, most consequential journeys people must undergo.

How does God want them to live in this in-between?

The answer is already within everyone. It’s sprawled in people’s lives, and all they need to do is discern what they’re expected to do. He, who saved people and judges whether they’re meant to enter His kingdom, has designed a plan for them to pursue. After all, He wants everyone to join Him, and for that to happen, He must lead them where they should go.

A photo of a man standing on a pathway | Image by wirestock on Freepik

God speaks a truth that people are bound to unravel. But with the buzz and temptations that life is riddled with, the path toward this enlightenment isn’t easy.

To follow and walk in God’s plan, people must realign their priorities according to His will. This means they must grasp their God-given purpose, which can be revealed through faith interventions. Walking in God’s will means surrendering that stubborn need for control and listening to Him.

Answering the Question: How to Walk in God’s Plan

“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”

This verse in Proverbs 19:21 highlights how confusing it is for people to walk in God’s plan. Not only will there be other affairs disguised as their purpose, but there will also be countless trials that will stop them from pursuing what truly matters. To walk in God’s plan is to accept every hardship that comes along life’s journey. It’s understanding that with every problem people face, the upshot will be something more meaningful to their lives.

If people learn to surrender and truly listen to what He has planned, they will be led to true purpose.

A Story Capturing This Essence

Out of Darkness: Into Light by Lauralee Lindholm captures the disorder people go through during their journey toward enlightenment. While it’s a story narrating a remarkable tale of transformation from spiritual warfare, it also tackles the darkness that happened before this freedom. The book follows a community’s faith intervention as they shed previously deleterious beliefs that never served their purpose. Lauralee details how she and a development team helped this crowd move through their hardships and toward clarity, following God’s plan for their lives.

What can be deduced from this story is the power and significance of surrender. Instead of fighting for long-withstanding beliefs they have practiced for the longest time, the community Lauralee helped accept their ministrations. They understood the team’s overarching wisdom and wholeheartedly accepted their help, showing what it means to walk in God’s plan.

A photo of a man with his head against a wooden cross | Image by wirestock on Freepik

This story perfectly encapsulates what it means when God wants people to surrender. The community’s dedicated acceptance of the team’s assistance shows their complete trust in His path and that He will never lead them where they wouldn’t benefit and thrive.

Actively Receive and Understand His Word

To truly trust and walk in God’s plan, one must receive His word and act according to its meaning. His truth is woven into the word He preaches. Hence, when people devote themselves to His words and the values they communicate, they will have a better understanding of their calling.

God has already provided every answer to the questions weighing people down. These are all entwined in His story, the word that already paves the way toward a more fulfilling life.

Follow His Commands

Just as what happened during Lauralee’s visit, trust that God only brings meaningful and consequential changes in one’s life.

To walk in God’s plan is to trust that He is guiding every step leading toward one’s ultimate purpose. People must trust everything that He has sent their way. Some situations may be challenging to live through. These may be demanding enough to leave people questioning not only themselves but also His plan. But trust is what pushes them through.

Trust that He will be there to walk alongside everyone and help them when needed. If you’re interested in reading more of what happened in Lauralee’s story of intervention and transformation, grab a copy of Out of Darkness: Into Light now!

Lauralee Lindholm is an accomplished author and educator with a Master's Degree in Teaching English as a Second Language. With a rich background as a social worker and missionary, she has spent years in Africa, particularly in Nigeria, Ethiopia, and Rwanda. Lauralee is also the volunteer CEO of Heart for Ethiopia, an online bookstore that supports educational initiatives in Ethiopia. Her writing reflects her diverse experiences, focusing on themes of life, love, and personal growth. Based in DeSoto, Texas, Lauralee continues to inspire readers through her engaging storytelling and commitment to humanitarian causes.
Lauralee Lindholm

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