Photo by Harrison Macourt

The call to mission is something that is heard by almost everyone. Yet only a few truly take the call. What can be done about it? Crossing the horizon and finding oneself in an unfamiliar place takes a lot of courage.

Who can be a missionary, then? One who is willing to sacrifice and one who has a deep-rooted faith.

Missionaries are humble servants of Christ, following in his footsteps and sharing the Word of God with those who would open their ears to listen. It is one of the most important tasks for the great project that is Christianity.

The Missionary’s Place in the World

Mark 16:15 bears these words of Christ:

Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.

It is one of the most fundamental cornerstones of the Christian framework. As such, it is the collective task of the faithful to always be a pioneer and spread the Word of God as far as they can. One may say that the gospels have already been delivered to the world, but there is no true end to the work of a missionary–and we may never know if there even is one.

The Kingdom of God will not arrive on its own. It must be heralded by the faithful, and it’s coming prepared for. Missionaries play a pivotal role in this. It is the duty then of the missionary to become an instrument of Christ’s love and work towards the gospel as the universal message that it is. Perhaps it is only when all men and women, regardless of race, sex, and nationality, speak with the commonality of Christ that the Great Commission can be said to be finished. When the whole of humanity sings together in praise of God, then eternal salvation becomes a clearer star on the horizon.

Photo by Lan Yao

Doing the Hard Work of Faith: Trials and Tribulations

Like all aspects of the Christian faith, missionary work is burdened with challenges. For a missionary, the task of preaching the gospel may be beset by cultural differences, language barriers, and physical hardships. These are simply the most common obstacles that a missionary may face. There is also the shadow of rejection and persecution. Loneliness also and isolation are great hindrances. A lot of people believe that missionary work is a cakewalk. It is anything but. With responsibility comes a great burden.

Remember that not every corner of the globe is open to the Word of God, but missionaries are aware of the importance of spreading it despite the dangers.

Yet, while there may be countless dangers, trials, and tribulations in working as a missionary, there are also great rewards. While one mustn’t become a missionary because of the rewards, it is still important to mention some of them.

A missionary is tasked with going to other places to preach the Word of God. This often takes them to beautiful locales and spectacular vistas. They also experience the joy of people coming into the faith. There is contentment with knowing that you have delivered souls from perdition that cannot be understood by those who are not missionaries.

Perhaps the greatest reward is the opportunity to better understand the hardship of Christ and the sanctity and weight of his earthly ministry.

Photo by Lan Yao

The Enduring Impact of Doing the Hard Work of Faith

The work of a missionary extends far beyond the present. Their actions now lay the groundwork for the future. It is often the missionaries who are the greatest teachers, for they are the ones who plant the seeds of what will become, creating new communities of believers and strengthening the Christian project.

Their stories and their experiences also serve to enlighten others and inspire a new generation of missionaries, carrying and passing down the church for years to come.

To be a missionary is to be a part of a noble calling. While the journey is fraught with danger and challenges, what a missionary contributes to the world is immeasurable.

Doing the hard work of faith means visiting far and distant locations to spread the Word of God. Read more about missionary work in the masterpiece work of Lauralee Lindholm, OUT of DARKNESS INTO LIGHT. Learn more about it here.

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